What does rotator cuff surgery recovery involve?
How do you determine if a partial tear needs repair?
How is the rotator cuff tear repaired ?
Will grafts or synthetic materials be used during my surgery?
What kind of anesthesia will be used during the surgery?
What anchors do you use to fix a torn tendon?
Can you describe the steps involved in the surgical procedure?
Will there be any cuts during surgery, and if so, where will they be?
How is the rotator cuff tendon reattached to the bone?
What happens during a typical rotator cuff repair surgery?
How much can i move my shoulder immediately after the surgery?
How long does rotator cuff surgery take?
What are the chances of a successful repair?
Are there any risks of damaging nearby tissues or structures during the surgery?
Will I be under general anesthesia for my surgery?
Are there any advanced technologies or techniques that can be utilized in surgery?
How long does rotator cuff surgery last?
Is the surgery done arthroscopically or through open surgery?
How long does the rotator cuff surgery typically take?
How do you prevent infections during the surgery?
What are the various techniques for repairing my torn rotator cuff?